Our projects
The involvement of beneficiaries in project formulation and implementation.
I&S Kenya and I&S Monaco have a similar profile based on shared values, interactive strategies and areas of intervention and a common philosophy.
The relationships maintained between the I & S structures Kenya and I&S Monaco with the grassroot populations have been founded since 2004 on close relationships, mutual trust and dialogue.
The involvement of I&S Kenya, whose leaders are from the communities has been crucial during these last 10 years. I&S Monaco have strengthened the skills of I&S Kenya and began the creation of community committees. I&S Kenya have supported the communities in their organization in structured committees within 2 CBOs, and involving CBOs and community volunteers to perform many activities developed in a participatory manner. About 420 volunteer members are part of N’Gaissi Noomayianat and CBOs.
Various local and regional associations are also involved in projects in the area of training (nutrition, environment) and these initiatives have been developed by I&S Kenya.
Amboseli Eco Camp is an eco-tourism business, generating income of which a part of the profits will be devoted to the operation of our school.